Reflexology Research Projects
Client Testimonials
(used with written permission and updated frequently) |
"Through reflexology, I was able to discern the difference between digestive and female symptoms I was experiencing, thus knowing how to address the affliction."
D.D.S., Fredonia, WI
"On my first visit I was amazed at how Lila was able to determine problems I was having. After just one treatment, I was able to notice some improvements. You've made a believer out of me!" -- Mike Shueller, Port Washington, WI
It's amazing how aches and pains that I've learned to live with thru the years have eased and started to go away."
-- H.K., Port Washington, WI
"I have come around to believe more deeply in the benefit and theory of reflexology."
-- J.D.S., Manitowoc, WI
Thanks again, Lila. God used you to bring His complete healing to my foot. You, along with Him, are a 'Ray of Hope.' " -- M.H., Port Washington, WI
"In my opinion, tolerated chemotherapy better, less anxious, reduction in pain, more relaxed."
-- J.N. for B.N., Belgium, WI
"I find my body (feet and hands) receive better care through Reflexology, then consuming habit-forming drugs of high continual costs." -- Jeannie M. Hespe, Port Washington, WI |
"Always feels great." -- M.E.S., Belgium, WI
"Need to get more visits and health program."
-- J.S., Belgium, WI
"Reflexology confirmed a diagnosed cardio-pulmonary condition and demonstrated how stimulate immune response." -- D.D.S. for A.S., Fredonia, WI
"My back was a lot better." -- S.S., Belgium, WI
"Wonderful painless treatment. It was done very professionally. Very relaxing, Lila confirmed some things that I knew about and some things that I didn't."
-- C.G., Belgium, WI
"I have a better understanding of how my body works as a unit. I believe that Reflexology therapy has improved my overall health well-being. I have learned some exercises to keep myself in better condition, for example, using the roller and tweaking the toes and fingers. Lila has given me very professional treatments; she explains very well, what she is doing. I have confidence in what she recommends." -- S.J., Manitowoc, WI
"Reflexology has helped my fibromyalgia symptoms tremendously and also a chronic pain problem after colon surgery." -- S.J.S., Mequon, WI
"I have muscle spasm in shoulder. It helped me to relax. I was amazed that after I left, that it felt like I had a shoulder massage and she never touched my shoulder. She would touch my foot and I would express that I felt pressure. She would say, "That's your shoulder (reflex), your hip (reflex), your sinus (reflex)." Amazing! -- B.R., Belgium, WI
"I want to continue this for a while, despite the initial pain, to see if some of these chronic areas of mine can be improved." -- S.L.H, Belgium, WI |
"Very relaxed." -- D.G., Belgium, WI
"Just relaxed." -- B.F., Hartford, WI
"Though it's a little early for me to tell, I have felt improvements in certain areas of my body, namely shoulder and neck area. I am very hopeful to be pain-free and to reverse my fibromyalgia, through continued reflexology sessions." -- Gail McDermott, Kenosha, WI
"Lila, God bless you and your ministry, as God uses you to heal those with physical, emotional, and spiritual weakness. To God be the glory." -- Barbara Hook, Oregon, WI |
"I like when she touches my feet. It tickles."
-- D.G., Belgium, WI
"I am 28 years old and thought I would be living with pain for the rest of my life. After just a handful of visits, I feel like I can do anything. I didn't know what feeling good was, until this therapy. It has helped me, also, with my depression, that I acquired with my pain problems. It isn't a "one time-you're cured" therapy. There are stages to go through and the results will follow within a few weeks. You are my miracle worker, Lila! Thank you so much. Maybe I should say you are a miracle from the "Miracle Worker."
-- R.T., Cedar Grove, WI
"Very good results. Seems to be helping my coughing and balance and walking."
-- R.M., Kewaskum, WI
"We feel we are getting relief and help from these sessions." -- E.M., Kewaskum, WI |
"More relaxed. Sinuses cleared." -- J.L., Adell, WI
"I think I've had an overall improvement."
-- A.C., Kenosha, WI
"I find that it has helped me a lot and find Lila knows my problems of pain, without telling her. It has helped my knee." -- R.J., Belgium, WI
"I feel better. Better movement with less pain."
-- A.R., Allenton, WI |
"Energized - had much less stiffness and pain. Reflexology represents the first hope I've had in years to regain better health. I am excited about the the concept and process!"
-- J.K., Grafton, WI |
"If I have any aches or pains I inform Lila and within a few days the symptoms disappear. Lila has been working on my Fibromyalgia since I started seeing her. I realize with this condition it will take more than just a few visits to see substancial results, but I am committed to see this thru. Whatever your health problem and the severity of your health, Lila will work on it until you're healed. If there is anything else wrong, she will let you know. Lila is teling you what your body is telling her. Whatever Lila tells you what to do, do it. It will help in the healing process."
-- James G. Schmidt, Rubicon, WI |
"Relaxed, but more energy, soft hands and feet, less pain in some areas. Didn't know what to expect. Look forward to the next session." -- A.M., Fredonia, WI |
"Very good body work. Feel really light after treatment." -- A.M., Belgium, WI |
"How do you spell relief? R-E-F-L-E-X-O-L-O-G-Y! Sessions were a great help to arthritic pain in leg, foot and back."
-- M.A.W., Belgium, WI |
"I believe I will get back in good health"
-- C.S., West Bend, WI
"The results of my treatments after my surgery improved every time I went. I feel Lila's healing power through me. I feel better and have a better feeling of getting better."
-- M.S. West Bend, WI |
"I had improvement in many places - felt better mentally - less nervous. Indigestion improved - excessive gas, much better. Nervous stomach for many years after many surgeries - improving all the time." -- F.B., Kewaskum, WI |
"I feel 65% better now than when first started. I was on 3 liters oxygen before, now I am on 1-1/4 liters. She helped my diabetes, my neuropathy, back pains - shoulder pains. I feel like I have a new lease on life. I would recommend this procedure highly to others. Lila Mueller is a very caring person and she explains thoroughly all procedures. It gives a person confidence in her. She's a believer in helping people." -- Roger Prosser, Port Washington, WI |
"After my 3rd session, I have not had numbness in my hands and lower arms. I have had daily difficulty with that for 40 years. So far after treatment 3 weeks ago, I have not had it since."
-- M. B., West Bend, WI |
"Vastly reduced moodiness, menstrual cycle returned to normal and a general reduction of fatique and achiness. THANK YOU LILA!! I'm so happy you found your passion. You do a wonderful job of making me very comfortable with that you are doing and explaining what is going on." -- Gwen Feldbruegge, Grafton, WI |
"This is AMAZING! As a person who never wanted their feet touched, I can't believe how simple and effective the treatment is! I have psoriasis and within four sessions in two months, I see tremendous results! I was seeing a Dermatologist and going to light treatment three days a week at $95.00 per session with not even a quarter of the result as with Lila! Lila is very nurturing and makes you her #1 priority. I recomend this to everyone!"
-- Stacey Tennessen, Random Lake, WI |
"This keeps me going." --Hermie Stern, Mequon, WI
"I can now jump and chase cats better. I love your bones, too!" --Sassy Stern, Mequon, WI |
"Great - very refreshed. Over the course of time, my lymph congestion has gretly improved. Reflexology has been an important component in (alternative) body work which has significantly improved my health." --J.L.M., Northfield, MA
"After the 3rd or 4th session, I could finally feel an improvement in my joints and feet."
--E.A., West Bend, WI |
"In November, 2005, I started coming to Lila for SEVERE sciatic pain and Restless Leg Syndrome. Also I had ankle and elbow pain. After several sessions, Lila suggested that I also see a chiropractor to assist her in treating my condition. I also took the footbath to relieve toxins one time. DRAMATIC RESULTS!!! I am pain free and energized. I was hopeless when I started coming to Lila but now I am so happy on how I feel. My brother, who is also a client, recommended that I see Lila for my condition and I am so happy I followed his recommendation. I recommend Reflexology and Lila to everyone!" --L.K., Campbellsport, WI
"My knees and thumb have been doing good. My knees give me some trouble but not like before. The thumb is GREAT (very seldom have pain in it)."
--Kathleen M . Philippi, West Bend, WI
"Feel very good. It's an all over great feeling. Better healthwise - more energetic - improved circulation, memory and all good things. First of all - the nice- ness of Lila and her son's friend - the caring about us. and wanting to help us to better health. The extra care for Ralph especially. We love you!" --E.M., Kewaskum, WI |
I am convinced that my sessions will eventually minimize the pain that I have endured for years and allow me to have to have a better quality of life eventually."
--Judy A. Simmons, Saukville, WI |
"My migraines were severe at "three times a week"; since seeing Lila I have had no worse than a bad headache and not a single migraine in 3 weeks. I've been treated for severe migraines since I was in my teens. I've had every possible test from blood to CT scan and MRI's. I was told everything in my life could cause my condition and that I would have to deal with the pain. While being on every possible experimental medication on the market, the meds have had a major side effect on my body. I have vertually no metabolism, a horrible immune system, etc. I have lived with my condition my whole life. I have always had a headache to some degree with the severity of a full migraine. For 27 days straight, since seeing Lila, I have gone from severe migraines to days without even a headache. It may sound silly, but it took me a couple days to realize what had changed. From the time I was young, I've always moved carefully, squinted, hated loud noises (which to everyone else weren't loud), been on the edge and a grouch because of pain. I now have energy every day. I thank God daily that a friend recommended I see Lila. She has done for me what no one else has and given me a quality of life." --S.S., Saukville, WI
"Just so relieved that my back felt so good after just one treatment. Again so happy that my back felt better" --D.O.R., Port Washington, WI
"More energy, less pain. The pain I've had in my hip for 10 years is gone. Lila and Kelly have taught me a lot about my body and about life. I appreciate the low cost and high personal attention." --Ruth Sova, Port Washington, WI |
"I feel relaxed, but sometimes I don't feel a physical change for a week after the session. I have more mobility, better balance, movement in my left wrist and no ringing in ear."
--Dolores Hahn, Slinger, WI
After my Reflexology session, "sometimes tired but mostly pain is relieved immediately. My arthritis is not as painful as it was before Reflexology. I have a much better feeling of well being." --J.O., Allenton, WI
"Very good, very relaxed, slept well. i was amazed how massaging or working on foot caused other parts of body to react." --A.K., Saukville, WI
Throughout 2006, started weekly, then bi-weekly, to monthly - now every 6 weeks rotating reflexology and footbaths. Felt revivied and relaxed. Better over-all general health - no colds/flu since treatment began. I believe that a maintenance program of rotating reflexology and footbaths every 6-8weeks is very proactive for anyone interested in self-health."
--P.H., Plymouth, WI |
"The little things don't bother me as much - ear infection -headaches - tiredness - right hand - knees. Problems are minimal now. My body is taking care of itself!"
--Monte Zimmer, Milwaukee, WI |
"I came to see Lila after I had been in a severe car accident. I had broken both my shoulder blades, my collar bone, and my bone that holds my arm to my shoulder. I had also broken two of my
in the mid-to-lower portion of my back. I also broke a lot of ribs. So I was a wreck. All my doctors pretty much told me I was going to be extremely limited and a lot of my injuries were not going to get much better.
I started going once a week for a few months and everytime I would see her, I could be more flexible, I would stand straighter, I would walk with less of a limp, and best of all less pain. As I got better, it also helped me with other things. I would be more calmer, more in tune with what's going on and with myself. Eventually, I became able to do things that my doctors said I would not be able to do. Lila got my arms above my head and I could throw a ball.
I think that Lila is a very gifted person and that her and Reflexology can help a lot of people that are or were in my situation or anybody, to be more correct about that. It is because she has helped me and others out in ways I couldn't imagine. Thanks so much Lila for all you've done for me." --Derrick Backous, Sussex, WI
"I did not feel remarkably different, however my goal was achieved. The eczema on my hands went away! The painful eczema on my hands went away using reflexology, vitamins and lotion. Lila worked personally with me to find the solution that worked. I am impressed with her dedication and professional manner. If you need assistance tailored just for you, Lila is the person to see!"
--Tracii L. Risch, Cedarburg, WI
"Feel very relaxed. Have Blepharospasm. Have received relief from my symptoms but not cured.
--Vernon C. Van Vooren, West Bend, WI |
"Wonderful. There's no word to explain it. I have more energy and less pain in my ankle. I don't have to go to the Chiropractor any more. Not as tired. More energy. No more dark circles under eyes. It does wonders. There's no way to explain it. You have to experience it first hand. Lila Mueller is wonderful with her hands on method of Reflexology. I would recommend it to anyone. Go in with an open mind. You will be totally amazed with Reflexology. That's all I can say. Until you have experienced it, there's no words for it - other than great! --Jean Roller, Belgium, WI
"Relaxed and rejuvenated. I believe in the treatment and saw changes with less frequent urination, improved eyesight, elimination of knee, leg muscles and wrist joint pain along with longer duration of sleep at night." --John Simonz, Hartford, WI
"Awesome - face tingling for days, relaxed stressed shoulders, less pain in body and eyes, better digestion, relaxed, warm and ready for a nap. Not only feel better as previously stated, but Lila also candled my ears which stopped their itching and pain." --N.S. Hartford, WI
"Very relaxed and lower back did not hurt for the first time in years. Back feels so much better already. I would return as a client - would not even have to think about it. Lila is a true professional, wonderful treatments, very relaxing. Reflexology and Lila give me the hope of better health and a brighter future. Thank you Lila. You're great !!!" --L.H., West Bend, WI |
Feels fantastic following a Reflexology session. "Lila goes the extra mile to find solutions for health problems and continues to work until 100% of health returns. She checks with collegues and sincerely cares about her clients. As a result of her efforts, I feel muh better. I truly believe without her I would be in dire health straits."
--M.P., West Bend, WI
Following a Reflexology Session for the "first 24-36 hours there was a little more itching and a little sluggish. Joint pain and psoriasis is a lot better. I've had psoriasis for 22 years. After 3 months, I had about 30% psoriasis now down to 6%. My joint pain is a lot lower. The psoriasis festers a little and diminishes after every visit. This will be go o be over this very soon."
--William Singer, Random Lake, WI
I feel "relaxed and refreshed and I had less pain in my neck and arm. Reflexology creates energy flow in my body so therefore I have less pain and discomfort."
--Linda S. Posik, Germantown, WI
"More energy. I highly recommend Lila for any ailments. She fixed my Morton's neuroma on my foot. Also my hip and back." --Linda L. Raatz, Menomonee Falls, WI |
Click link to read testimonial. --M.P. West Bend, WI |
"I was shocked!! I had physical therapy for 3 days at a nursing home and in lots of pain. After 1 session of reflexology, I could move my shoulder and hand with no pain. I was able to get up and out of bed and chair with no help. I fell and bruised my left shoulder, left arm, left knee and could not move at all, so painful!! I recommend Reflexology as one session did more for me than three days - 2 times per day, of rehab." --Clara Knepel, Germantown, WI
"My sinus headache was gone! Constipation gone! Shoulder pain gone! I felt relaxed, peaceful and pain free. Every pain I had when I went in to see Lila miraculously left and has not returned.
Would you return as a Reflexology client? Yes ! And I'm telling all my friends and family. I am in awe of Lila and Reflexology. Doctors could not rid me of sinus headache and pain like Lila has. Unbelievable. "
--Jewel Rauwerdink, Waldo, WI
After my Reflexology Session, I felt "more energetic and less of a sick feeling each time I went.
I had water retention in my belly due to an apparent liver dysfunction. After the second visit to Ray of Hope Reflexology, the liquid started to dissipate and eventually disappeared."
"I continue to feel more healthy" with Reflexology.
"The NES program really seemed to play a large part in restarting my liver problem correction and helped me get my energy back." --E.H.R, Kewaskum, WI
“I have had different experiences at different visits, if coming in with pain almost every time it is much better or gone. And areas may take several visits.
And sometimes a problem area shows up before it is bad and I can help it before it flares up rather badly. I have told others to at least try it when a problem comes up.
Several have thanked me as given help with Reflexology. I think it is a very important part of medical treatment.” P.A.M, Belgium, WI
“I had a couple of surgeries in the last
couple of years and I know that surgeries can disrupt the energy
flow in the body. I
was having pain in different areas of my body so I decided to see
Lila. I could feel
relief after my first session and by the third session I only had
a little pain in one area. I’m glad I decided to go back to see
Lila instead of continually taking Tylenol for the pain.
She is excellent at what she does and knows a lot about the
human body and how energy flow affects it.”
S.B., Jackson, WI
“After three foot surgeries the prospect for a simple walk around the block was not on the horizon. I came to Ray of Hope with the dream of changing that. Lila worked on my feet and after some intense Reflexology and additional time things began to change. I now can walk seven miles in comfort. I am very grateful I found Ray of Hope!” Linda B., Milwaukee, WI
"I had suffered with severe plantar fascitis
for years. It was as so bad I had to discontinue beauty school
because my ankles were swollen and I couldn't stand for hours on
my feet. The pain had come and gone for years.
I came to
see Lila and had immediate relief my first session. It has been
almost half a year and I have not suffered at all.
I am so
excited about my results I am currently in class with Lila Mueller
to become a reflexologist myself! I love helping people and I
prayed for an opportunity to give people more comfort in their
lives! I truly believe is hope Ignited!" --R.G., West Bend, WI |
"To whom it May Concern
My name is LH
and I am adult resident who resides in Ozaukee County, WI and have
been working with Lila Mueller, CBR, ART, who operates Ray of Hope
Reflexology in Belgium, WI for the last 2 months. Hard to believe
but only 2 months with relief after 3 years of no relief and
spending a lot of time and money.
I had surgery on my left
ankle and tendon areas 3 years ago. Since the surgery I have ben
to four different medical facilities with no success and continued
pain and balance problems. Ove the last thre years every attempt
to find relief from the pain and the balance problems have not
worked. The costs that my insurance carriers and my private pays
far exceed the services that Lila would provide for my entire life
time. The only difference Lila provided me with relief.
Several weeks ago I was told about Lila Mueller who by the way I
have worked with in another professional projects over the past 20
years with great success. None of our work was relating to medical
help but I am happy to say that Lila has provided great relief
from the pain and blance problems that I have had since the
I would recommend Ray of Hope Reflexology, LLC
Services to anyone who has the desire to get better regardless of
their medical discomfort. I would recommend these servies to
anhyone who wants help.
To date I have had great success
with the services that Lila Mueller has provided with great
service fair prices and success." --Lewis Herro, Grafton, WI |
2007, my husband and I went on a tour of Germany. On the plane, I
wore very 'sloppy' fitting shoes. I wanted something that I could
take off and slip on easily for security, something that wouldn't
cause my legs to swell on the plane, etc. Not much support, but
great for travel. When we arrived, we didn't get a chance to
change shoes, and we immediately found ourselves on a walking tour
of a town - whose streets were all cobblestones. The tour lasted
about an hour, then we had another couple of hours on our own
exploring. By the time we got to the hotel, my feet were killing
The next day I did put on good walking shoes, but I'm
pretty sure I had quite a bit of 'soft tissue' damage. My feet
hurt the entire trip! Any walking at all was painful!
we got home, I went down to the good shoe store, and the sales
person recognized the shoes I had on and said "You're wearing
really good shoes." She did sell me a pair of new insoles, which
helped a little bit. But - every day was a challenge to walk.
I really didn't want to go to a podiatrist...I figured all
he'd do is have insoles made. And I knew I had been wearing good
shoes, other than on the plane to travel.
I ran into Lila
at a party, and asked if she could 'fix my feet.' She said she
thought she could, so I made an appointment. I walked in - in
pain. An hour laster I walked out - without pain!!!
pain became less and less frequent that next month. There were
days I had none, then there would be a day with a 'twinge' of pain
somewhere in my foot. Sometimes even the top of my foot. Lila
introduced me to camphor, which between appointments, I'd put use
on the parts of my feet that would 'flare up.' I found that
somewhat regular treatments are helpful. I think some injuries or
conditions need that. I've been going to Lila on a fairly regular
basis. The foot pain has completely disappeared.
always considered myself pretty healthy, and I've paid very little
attention to small aches and pains. But now, I try to be more
aware of them, because when I'm seeing Lila, I know she can work
on them!
I felt relieved after my first session - no pain!
I've continued as a client. The only health response from the
treatments has been a stuffy head, which after telling Lila about
- hasn't occurred." --Cheryl Gorton, Waubeka, WI |
"Lila is an extraordinary gifted Reflexologist
and healer! I've been fortunate to be her client for over 4 years
now and she's been instrumental in not only helping me through a
health crisis but in guiding me to optimal health and wellness.
Reflexology is an incredible way to treat health concerns at
their very core. I've never felt better and I know that
working with Lila is a foundation for my wellbeing.
Thank you, Lila, for so generously sharing your expertise and
healing touch with your many clients!" --P.U.,
Cedarburg, WI
"As a retired health
care professional, I am familiar with standard treatments for
chronic pain and have been the recipient of most
(anti-inflammatory meds, topicals, P.T., steroid injections,
etc.). Few treatments have been as effective or as enduring as my
Reflexology treatments with Lila Mueller. Her rare skill in
treating pain, as well as holistic view and sage advice, has been
a blessing". --T.R., Milwaukee, WI |
"A few years prior, I
had been hit by another vehicle in a car accident. It cracked the
frame of my vehicle and caused my sacrum to be pushed in and my
spine to be shifted to the right. I gained 25 pounds of fluid in
less than 6 weeks. Despite multiple doctor visits and a trip to
Mayo Clinic, no one could determine the cause or treatment plan. I
started seeing Lila and Vicki over a year ago and their treatments
have been a success! My fluid buildup is down, my body
aches less, and my period has returned. --Kayla Dippon,
Greendale, WI" |
Updated on
Wednesday, October 13, 2021


Lila M. Mueller,
CRR, ART ( Regd ), NBCR. CREd
PO Box 161
640 Main Street
Belgium, WI 53004-0161 USA
(414) 531-2587
(414) 909-3320
Website created by Dawn Klein
2021 Lila M. Mueller |