Lila M. Mueller, CRR, ART (Regd), NBCR
ARCB Board Certified Reflexologist #B01297, CREd #0018


Clinical Reflexologist Specialist

fish with cross

Certified in ART
(Advanced Reflexology Techniques) , Anthony Porter, UK

Sorensensistem (TM) Certified: Facial Reflexology, TCM and
Neuro-Foot Reflexology, Ocular Reflex Therapy, Infertility and Hormone Reflex Therapy, Japanese Cosmo Lift

Certified Temprana Reflex Therapist
Sorensensistem (TM) International Instructor (U.S.A.)
Ingham™ Certified in Foot and Hand Reflexology,
Also performs Auricular (Ear) Reflexology
K.H.T. (Korean Hand Therapy)
NES Practitioner
Life Frequencies Practitioner
Certified Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) Practitioner
Sally Kay Method, UK

Reflexology Preceptor for Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center's Integrative Medicine Rotation Program
Milwaukee, WI 2012 to Present


Certified by American Reflexology Certification Board

Certified Lymph Drainage Reflexology

National Council for Reflexology Educators

April 2006 - One of ten Reflexologists in the USA to be awarded
Membership of the ART Register of Advanced Reflexologists®, London, England
Nominated as a Director to the International Council of Reflexologists 2007
Former Reflexology Association of America Legislation Committee Member
Reflexology Organization of Wisconsin Legislative Watch Member
2009 Board Certified Reflexologist through ARCB
2009 to 2010 Director Reflexology Association of America
2009 to 2012 - Reflexology Association of America Board
2010 to 2012 Vice President Reflexology Association of America
2012 - Acting President of the Integrated Reflexologists of Wisconsin, Inc.
2013 Elected to the Reflexology Association of America Board - Recording Secretary
2014 to 2015 - Reflexology Association of America - Director
2015 - President of the Integrated Reflexologists of Wisconsin, Inc.
2018 - Reflexology Association of America's Leadership and Service Award

Testimonials from Children
other practitioners
Temprana Therapy



Lila Mueller
Lila Mueller

Ray of Hope Academy

Ray of Hope Academy is a new Teaching Clinic for Reflexology
and Natural Therapies. Training started training in January, 2014.

Lila M. Mueller, CRR, ART (Regd), NBCR is the owner and chief instructor of the Teaching Clinic.

Ray of Hope Academy, P00157, is approved as a Provider of
continuing education by the American Reflexology Certification Board.

You Need to Know This Definition:
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a form of bodywork that is based on the scientific study of reflexes and the application of techniques for a specific outcome. Reflexology relieves tension which assists with nerve conductivity, blood supply, lymph movement and bio-electrical energy to normalize the body's energy. Reflexology creates balance thus increasing the body's ability to heal itself.

Reflexology is NOT massage.

The Differences Between Reflexology and Massage
Some people confuse Reflexology with Massage, but they are two different modalities – each with its own strengths. Both, like many other therapies, such as chiropractics, osteopathy, and other somatic practices, involve the use of the hands to apply their techniques. The aim with both Reflexology and Massage is to enhance the well being of the client.


Applied to specific areas (usually feet, hands, and ears) To promote a response from an area far removed from the tissue stimulated via the nervous systems and acupuncture meridians. Applied to the whole body: muscles and connective tissues locally for local benefit, or when applied to muscles located all over the body, benefits the entire body.
Uses small muscle movements primarily thumbs and finger are used. Uses large muscle movement. Hands either open or closed and sometimes feet, arms and elbows.
To improve the function of organs and glands, and all systems of the body. Works with the function of the body.
Primarily to change the soft tissue directly stimulated. Works within the structure of the body.
Total body relaxation leading to the balancing of all internal and external body systems; improving circulation via stimulation to then nervous and subtly energy systems.
Local muscle relaxation, or if the body is massaged, then to muscular system improving circulation and reducing muscular tension.
It is not necessary for Reflexology practitioners to study working on a naked body when all they work on are feet, hands, and ears of a fully clothed person.
© 1997 American Reflexology Certification Board
Used with permission.

Temprana Reflex Therapy Info

Reflexology Poster

Information in English
La informatión en espãnol

Comparison of Medical Care and Natural Care




Substitutes drugs and devices

Improves natural function



For the body's functional parts

In the body as a whole



By using isolation to observe

By using consolidation to observe



Material properties of the body

Energetic properties of the body



In casual relationships

In contextual relationships



Between simple variables

Within complex patterns



Measured numerically

Recognized empirically



In groups of subjects

In individual subjects



During Laboratory experiments

During clinical experience



Designed to prove

Designed to discover



Means of control

Means of correcting






Basic Nutrition Course
Dr. M. Nasar, M.D. Chicago, IL 1980's

International Institute of Reflexology
St. Petersburg, Florida
Instructors: George S. Balut, Dwight C. Byers, Evelyne Huegi  2003 to present

10th ICR Conference - "The Many Facets of Reflexology",
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 16-18, 2005 

Steven Horne, RH (AHG) Professional Herbalist and Natural Health Consultant,
Tree of Light Institute, St. George, UT - Clinical Practicum Class 2005

10th Annual Reflexology Association of America Conference
Tucson, AZ May 4-7 2006

6th European Conference of Reflexology,
Limerick, Ireland  September 8-10, 2006

2006 Aquatic Therapy Specialty Institute, Chicago, Il. November 16 & 17, 2006,
Instructor - Donna Adler, BA, ATRIC, Liquid/Assets for Fitness, Classes in Tai Chi, and Energy Medicine Application, of Phoenix, AZ

Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology for Pain Control & Stress Reduction
Foot & Hand Reflexology E
ar Reflexology
, Rhode Island
May 3, 4, 5, 6, 2007

11th ICR (International Council of Reflexologists) Conference
"Simply the Best",
Cairns, Australia, September 14-16, 2007
11th Annual Reflexology Association of America Conference
Portland, ME May 1-4, 2008
12th ICR (International Council of Reflexologists) Conference
"Spotlight on Reflexology"
Los Angeles (Anaheim), CA, September 11-13, 2009

12th Annual Reflexology Association of America Conference
"Stepping Up to New Heights"
Engelwood, CO, May 14-16, 2010

                  13th Annual Reflexology Association of America Conference
"Reflexology in the Circle of Life" Orlando, FL, May 4-6, 2012        
17th ICR International Destination Reflexology Conference
"The Gold Standard of Reflexology"
Anchorage, Alaska September 19-22, 2019
ICR 2021 Online Conference - Reflexology and Trauma
Cape Town, South Africa September 18-19, 2021


Advanced Studies Include:
5 Elements & 12 Meridians relating to Reflexology. Lilian Tibshraeny-Morten www.reflexologyusa.com
ART (Advanced Reflexology Training), London, England Anthony Porter www.artreflex.com
Father Josef Method of Reflexology Fr. Josef Eugster  www.fjmreflexology.com
Cranio-Sacral Reflexology Dr. Martine Faure-Alderson, D.O., M.R.O., N.D., M.N.I.M.H., MbacC, R.S. Hom www.natclinicrem.co.uk
Chi-Reflexology Moss Arnold, Principal,
Australian College of Chi-Reflexology
(Release Emotional Stress and Tension)
Dr. Pat Lawson, N.D., C.R.R.  
Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology for Pain Control & Stress Reduction

Foot & Hand Reflexology

Ear Reflexology
Bill Flocco
American Academyof Reflexology
Burbank, CA
Maternity Reflexology (Susanne Enzer, RN, RSCN, SCM, RZT) Jenny Tribe (Grant) RGN RM DipHE MAR United Kingdom maternity-reflexology.com
Reflexotherapy of the Feet,
Hanne Marquardt
International School of
Reflexotherapy of the Feet
Königsfeld-Burgberg, Germany
Korean Hand (Reflex) Therapy for Instant Pain Relief and Functional Problems Dr. Dan Lobash, Ph.D, L.Ac., Helmet, CA

Facial Reflexology
Praxis Vertabralis-Neuro Reflexology
Ocular Therapy
Temprana Solutions
Japanese Cosmo Lifting
(improves body function and reduces facial wrinkles)

Facial International
Lorene Sorensen, 
Barcelona, Spain (School)
NES® Pro-Vision Jason Siczkowycz, Trainer www.intergrativelifesolutions.com/
Facial Reflexology (D'ien Chen')
Animal Reflexology
Doctor Marie-France Mueller, MC, ND, Phd., France  
Face Reflexology Academy of Radiant Health KoTan www.academyofradianthealth.com
Australian College of Chi-Reflexology Moss M. Arnold Chi-Reflexology Greensboro, NC www.chi-reflexology.co.uk
Total Health Care Event
Essential Oils A-Z PAT Overview and Demonstration
Be Young Total Health
Dr. Dana Young
Touchpoint, Round About Immune System Dorthe Krogsgaard and Peter Lund Frandsen uk.touchpoint.dk
Reflexology-Lymph Drainage Sally Kay reflexologylymphdrainage.co.uk
Structural Reflexology Geraldine Villeneuve www.PutYourBestFoodForward.com
Hydration for Good Health
Anatomy and Physiology Refresher Class
Lee Anthony Taylor taylorsescape@hotmail.co.uk
Male Andropause
Management of Pain
Lee Anthony Taylor taylorsescape@hotmail.co.uk
Emotional Aromatic Touch Program - Understanding and Making the Change Dana Clay Young, Ph.D., AS - Younifi Wellness dyoung@younifiwellness.com
Might a Single Reflex Help PTSD & Long COVID? Linda Frank, RF, NBCR, LMT, CREd
Reflexology Academy NW - Tacoma, WA


Reflexologists do not prescribe or diagnose any health conditions.



Member of the International Institute of Reflexology®

Member of the International Council of Reflexologists

Member of the Reflexology Association of America

Member of the Integrated Reflexologists of Wisconsin, Inc.

Certified by the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB)

and The National Council for Reflexology Educators (NCRB)

Distributor of the following products:

Services Offered:
  • Acu-Chrome™ & Oriental Hand Therapy
  • Oriental Facial Reflexology
  • Ear candling with Swiss Rub
  • NES Practitioner
  • Life Frequencies
  • Tera - P90


Accepting credit cards with Square
Also accepting checks, cash,
HSA, and MSA too.

Updated on 10/13/2021

Email me!

Contact Info

Lila M. Mueller,
C.R.R., ART ( Regd ), NBCR, CREd
640 Main Street
Belgium, WI 53004-0161 USA

Phone: (414) 909-3320
Cellphone: (414) 531-2587

© 2025 Lila M. Mueller

Website created by Dawn Klein